“It’s Absolutely Clear We Need a Union and That We Needed it Decades Ago,” Leena Van Deventer Reflects on Career & Gaming Industry

The women’s advocate and games designer speaks out about what the industry can do better, and looks back on her own work in improving it.…

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LGBTQI+ Leaders Reflect On Progress Since Decriminalisation of Homosexuality in Victoria

“Australia has come a long way if you think of the marriage equality vote and how far that has changed people’s perceptions” Said queer historian…

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ReAwakened: The Remains Of Harbitas – A Game I Helped Make

I helped make a board game! Well, a digital board game. The game was made for an assesment late last year, and I have been…

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The Flawed Representation Of LGBT+ Characters In Media

The representation of the LGBT+ community has been consistently problematic, even in recent years. Media representation has relied on outdated stereotypes, or giving LGBT+ characters…

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