ReAwakened: The Remains Of Harbitas – A Game I Helped Make

I helped make a board game! Well, a digital board game. The game was made for an assesment late last year, and I have been meaning to link it here for some time but never got around to it.

The idea of the game is that you and a friend play as a two rival groups of archeological researchers, who have tracked down a fictional legendary city; Harbitas. But like any fictional archealogical site, there’s more going on than what can be explained by science and rational thought. Before long both teams are trapped by a hungry god, named The Cultivator, who would very much like to have breakfast for the first time in centuries. Your goal is to escape the underground city with your lives, but not without artefacts and proof of your findings for the outside world to see. To play the game, you can click on the below link, and you will be able to play the game in your browser via a platform called Tabletopia:

Play “ReAwakened: The Remains Of Harbitas” On Tabletopia

If for whatever reason you don’t want to play the game, and just want the manual seperately, here is a PDF copy:

ReAwakened: The Remains Of Harbits Manual

The way I helped contribute to the game was mainly in writing the Story, including the lore on the cards, the character backstories, and the extended story found at the back of the manual. I did write up most of the manual too, but it should be noted that the mechanics themselves were mainly designed by other members of the team. Full credits of the entire team and our primary roles can be found at the back of the manual, but they here too as follows:

Project Manager:
Faye Miravalles

Game Designer:
Sayankumar S/O Chandara Sagar

Jun Min Lim
Elbert William
Faye Miravalles
Sayankumar S/O Chandara Sagar

Asher Trigg

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